Veja a íntegra da palestra de Marina Silva na Semana do Meio Ambiente

Assista aqui a íntegra da palestra da ambientalista e ex-senadora Marina Silva na Câmara Municipal de São Paulo, no dia 9 de junho de 2015, em celebração à Semana do Meio Ambiente.

A palestra em si começa aos 14 minutos do vídeo, pois há uma introdução do vereador Ricardo Young (PPS), presidente da Comissão Extraordinária do Meio Ambiente da Câmara Municipal de São Paulo, e também de outros vereadores.

O auditório Prestes Maia, o chamado "Plenarinho", ficou lotado (inclusive exigindo a colocação de cadeiras extras). Cidadãos e vereadores de diversos partidos (PT, PSDB, PMDB, PSB, PV, PTB, PHS e PPS) participaram e ouviram Marina sobre os desafios do desenvolvimento sustentável, os retrocessos da agenda ambiental e as demandas urbanas.

“Há um retrocesso muito grande em relação a todas as conquistas da sociedade brasileira. Da questão trabalhista à ambiental", afirmou a ex-senadora. Retrocessos que começaram pela questão indígena e ambiental e que hoje chegam aos trabalhadores.”

Para a idealizadora da Rede Sustentabilidade, a bandeira ambientalista precisa ser entendida como uma agenda da sociedade. Crítica à maneira como as questões ambientais vem sendo discutidas atualmente no Brasil, ela pontuou como retrocessos o Código Florestal e o desmatamento na Amazônia, por exemplo, que aumentou 62,7% entre fevereiro e abril deste ano, somando uma área de 550 km² no trimestre.

“Um projeto de país é aquele que institucionaliza as conquistas e essas não são ‘fulanizadas’ ou partidarizadas”, disse Marina. Para ela, isso vale para todas as esferas do poder. “Nós, que somos gigantes pela própria natureza, ainda não aprendemos a ser gigantes em relação à natureza que temos.”

Veja ainda a entrevista exclusiva de Marina ao #ProgramaDiferente, da, e também a sua rápida coletiva à imprensa, nesta mesma data.

O #ProgramaDiferente é exibido na TVAberta de São Paulo todos os domingos, às 21h30.

Na internet, está disponível na e em na íntegra.

Assista o #ProgramaDiferente nº 17, sobre reforma política e aprofundamento da democracia

Apresentação - Câmara no Seu Bairro, com falas de Andrea Matarazzo, Marta Suplicy e Police Neto
Fala, Carlos Fernandes
Entrevista Arnaldo Jardim, Secretário de Agricultura e Abastecimento do Governo Alckmin. 
Matéria Câmara no Seu Bairro, evento que a Câmara Municipal de São Paulo realiza em cada uma das regiões das 32 subprefeituras; entrevista dos vereadores Antonio Donato, Andrea Matarazzo, Eliseu Gabriel, Paulo Frange e Conte Lopes.
Debate Reforma Política, com temas como voto distrital ou proporcional, recall, plebiscitos e consultas populares, candidaturas independentes e o fim do monopólio do exercício da política pelos partidos tradicionais.

Veja também as versões na íntegra, sem cortes e sem edição:
Entrevista (39 min) Arnaldo Jardim
Debate (47 min) Reforma Política

Assista aqui todos os programas já exibidos, desde a estreia em 1º de março de 2015.


Entrevista com o líder do MTST, Guilherme Boulos: "De que lado você está?"

Assista uma entrevista exclusiva do líder do MTST (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem-Teto), Guilherme Boulos. Filósofo de formação, professor e psicanalista, ele está lançando o livro "De que lado você está? - Reflexões sobre a conjuntura política e urbana no Brasil" (Editora Boitempo), que pretende ser “uma obra de intervenção, que propõe saídas à esquerda para os desafios que a explosiva conjuntura brasileira nos oferece”.
A acompanhou a noite de autógrafos na Livraria Cultura do Conjunto Nacional, na Avenida Paulista, e Guilherme Boulos falou com exclusividade para o #ProgramaDiferente sobre o livro, a política, os movimentos sociais, a crise do governo Dilma e do PT, a forma de atuação do MTST e até de questões internacionais, como o modelo cubano e o fim do embargo norte-americano.
boulosPara o autor, as cidades “tornaram-se barris de pólvora, prestes a explodir.” Assim, o livro se divide em três partes: “Barril de pólvora”, com textos sobre questões urbanas; “Estopins”, sobre questões políticas; e “Artilharia”, centrada na crítica de expoentes da conjuntura brasileira atual, entre eles o jornalista Reinaldo Azevedo, o presidente da Câmara dos Deputados, Eduardo Cunha, e o ministro do STF, Gilmar Mendes.
Cada seção reúne artigos do autor publicados na imprensa, amarrados por ensaios inéditos. Tudo isso precedido por um longo ensaio introdutório em que Guilherme Boulos expõe sua visão geral da realidade sobre a qual se debruça e esclarece a articulação entre os textos: “Se falar de barril de pólvora, estopins e artilharia pode soar normal nos dias de hoje é porque vivemos um momento de conflagração, de crise de modelo. Essa crise é o fio-condutor que perpassa os artigos aqui reunidos”.
Fechando o livro está um posfácio do cientista político André Singer, sobre a trajetória de Guilherme Boulos. A orelha do livro é assinada pelo jornalista e blogueiro Leonardo Sakamoto, seu companheiro no programa "Havana Connection", que você lê a seguir:
"Com este livro, Guilherme Boulos não pretende ser amado. Muito menos lembrado com carinho, ou sequer fazer amigos.Convenhamos: alguém que coordena ocupações de imóveis vazios voltados à especulação imobiliária, ocupações que despejam ratos e baratas e os substituem por seres humanos, não está preocupado em ser premiado em algum concurso de simpatia.

De que lado você está? é um livro que fomenta a dor inerente à desconstrução do preconceito e da cultura do comodismo, transmitidos por família, amigos, escola, igreja e mídia e absorvidos, bovinamente, por todos nós.

Como alerta o próprio autor, ele não pretende criar consensos, mas sim tomar partido no dissenso. Coisa que parcela significativa da esquerda parece ter esquecido.

Exatamente por isso, é um livro necessário. Ainda mais nestes tempos confusos, em que há muita certeza baseada em vento.

Guilherme Boulos, coordenador do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem-Teto (MTST), é a liderança social mais importante do Brasil. A questão da qualidade de vida nas grandes cidades tornou-se o principal palco de disputa sobre o país que queremos e sobre como chegar até lá. E os sem-teto, que são o efeito colateral do “desenvolvimento” das últimas décadas, organizados ou não, juntam-se aos milhões.

Mas não é apenas por isso. Boulos mistura a legitimidade de quem vive o dia a dia de ocupações e despejos, a reflexão teórica e acadêmica de sua formação de filósofo e a didática de sua experiência como professor em artigos que usam também do sarcasmo e da ironia como armas para furar as barreiras que impedem a compreensão da realidade.

Em suma, você é atropelado e nem consegue anotar a placa do caminhão.

Seus textos, originalmente publicados na Folha de S.Paulo e agora reunidos aqui com alguns inéditos, colocam o dedo na cara dos donos do sistema de transporte público, mostram quem ganha com a crise da falta de água e reafirmam que a esquerda, apesar de seus críticos, não está morta. Pelo contrário, é mais necessária do que nunca. Precisa apenas retomar o caminho perdido.

A leitura deste livro é obrigatória para quem quer entender as forças e as ideias envolvidas na construção da realidade do Brasil de hoje. Porque Guilherme Boulos é um dos agentes dessa construção. Quer você goste ou não. (Leonardo Sakamoto)"


Freire defende que comissão discuta implementação do parlamentarismo no Brasil

O deputado federal Roberto Freire (SP), presidente nacional do PPS, entregou nesta terça-feira requerimento à comissão especial da reforma política para que o colegiado encampe a proposta de implementação do parlamentarismo no Brasil estabelecida na PEC 20, de 1995, de autoria do então deputado Eduardo Jorge.

Durante audiência pública da comissão, realizada junto com outra, a que discute a PEC (proposta de emenda à Constituição) 182/2007, Freire disse que, em momentos de grave crise como a que está instalada o país, é preciso buscar não apenas mudanças eleitorais, mas sim a mudança do sistema político. “Em momentos de crise, esta (a mudança para o parlamentarismo) é a verdadeira reforma política”.

[mom_video type="youtube" id="2jbbgDWRK2c"]

Segundo Freire, não adianta fugir de consequências que a conjuntura pode trazer, “até mesmo processos traumáticos como o impeachment, que está presente na sociedade e pode acontecer, basta aprofundar a crise”. Para o parlamentar, tudo indica que esse aprofundamento é provável.

“Temos que buscar uma solução permanente para crises que levam à ingovernabilidade, mas sem intervenções golpistas”, afirmou Roberto Freire. Na avaliação do deputado, a crise instalada no Brasil “nos oferece uma oportunidade de discutir a PEC 20 e, a partir dela, debatermos os demais temas da reforma política”.

Freire sugeriu que a comissão assuma a proposta que institui o parlamentarismo, “que já tem o trabalho prévio de outras reformas”. No entender do parlamentar, “se o Brasil fosse parlamentarista, o atual governo já teria sido derrubado e a crise já teria passado”.

Leia mais: Freire defende a adoção do Parlamentarismo em 2018

O sistema presidencialista tem mandatos de quatro em quatro anos e não consegue atacar o problema do agravamento da crise no momento em que ela ocorre, frisou Freire. “Não precisamos discutir soluções para a crise como intervenção de conjuntura, mas precisamos discutir, nesta crise, algo que possa solucionar outras, de forma permanente; que não sejamos surpreendidos daqui a um tempo tal como fomos no governo Collor e como podemos sê-lo também no governo Dilma”.

Freire disse que o "presidencialismo de cooptação" é um sistema imperial que, na América Latina, “cria uma crônica continuada, consecutiva, de golpes de Estado, de restrições democráticas e períodos democráticos”. Para ele, é preciso buscar um sistema político que seja permanente, “que quando houver uma crise, a solução seja a mais radicalmente democrática e não aquela fruto de visões golpistas, mesmo que estas sejam, ainda bem, minoritárias, irrelevantes, sem deixar de ser preocupantes”.

Reforma eleitoral e partidária

Ao falar na audiência, o presidente do PPS salientou que partido político não é instituição do Estado, mas direito da cidadania. “Em alguns países mais democráticos, as constituições nem tratam de partidos, pois eles são atinentes à cidadania”. No Brasil, existe a ideia de que partido político deve ser tutelado pelo Estado, observou. “Se criam até regulações que tornam a cidadania refém dos interesses majoritários aqui no Congresso Nacional”.

“Aqui não se discute o que é importante para os cidadãos, mas aquilo que é importante para a eleição dos deputados”, criticou Freire. Ele condenou a “excrescência” do chamado distritão, “sistema que vai criar 513 entes autônomos no Congresso”. Para o deputado, a adoção desse modelo teria como consequência uma democracia “caótica”.

Centro integrará quatro unidades do campus da USP, em São Carlos

Com o desafio de desenvolver tecnologias de bioenergia de baixo impacto ambiental, a USP em São Carlos implantará o Polo Temático em Energias Renováveis e Meio Ambiente da USP, o poloTErRA. Read more

9 bolsas de estudo para brasileiros no exterior

A maioria dos estudantes sonha em fazer um curso de graduação ou pós-graduação no exterior. Read more

#Programadiferente 2 terá entrevista com a educadora Neca Setubal e um debate sobre o futuro do Minhocão, com a presença dos vereadores Police Neto e Ricardo Young

No próximo domingo8 de março, às 21h30, vai ao ar o "Programa Diferente". É um programa jornalístico, informativo e colaborativo, com entrevistas, debates, notícias e prestação de serviços. Assista!

Nesta segunda semana do programa, Dia Internacional da Mulher, a entrevista é com a educadora Neca Setubal, que desmonta com fatos o novo slogan do governo Dilma ("Brasil, Pátria Educadora") e fala sobre a experiência de ter participado da coordenação das campanhas presidenciais de Eduardo Campos e Marina Silva.

O tema do debate é: "Minhocão, qual é a solução: demolição ou parque suspenso?", com a participação do vereador Police Neto(PSD), autor do Projeto de Lei que determina a criação do Parque Linear Suspenso do Minhocão; vereador Ricardo Young (PPS), presidente da Frente Parlamentar pela Sustentabilidade e um dos signatários do Projeto que cria o Parque do Minhocão; Francisco Machado, morador de Santa Cecília, síndico e diretor do Movimento Desmonte Minhocão; e Fabio Fortes, Presidente do CONSEG (Conselho Comunitário de Segurança) de Santa Cecília e da Associação dos Moradores e Comerciantes de Santa Cecília.

Parece haver um consenso entre os políticos e a população de São Paulo: o Elevado Costa e Silva, o popular Minhocão, é uma excrescência ambiental e urbanística.Típica solução da época das grandes obras viárias para automóveis, os idealizadores dessa ligação expressa entre as zonas leste e oeste simplesmente não se preocuparam com as consequências prejudiciais que o Minhocão traria à cidade e às pessoas.

Porém, há uma divergência até então inconciliável sobre o destino do Elevado: há quem defenda simplesmente a sua demolição, outros entendem que a implantação de um parque seria a melhor saída para o problema.

O "Programa Diferente" é uma realização de Canal Aberto Produções, com direção de Carlos Fernandes e apoio cultural da FAP - Fundação Astrojildo Pereira. A apresentação é do jornalista Mauricio Huertas, que divide a tarefa com algum convidado diferente por semana. A apresentadora convidada do segundo programa é a jornalista Caroline Lombardi.Também fazem parte da equipe de produção e criação do programa Cesar HernandesDenilson PerozzoLeonardo Casal SantosRonaldo Sagres e Wellington Fernandes.

O Canal Aberto produz filmes, documentários, programas de TV e vídeos publicitários. Entre outros trabalhos de destaque, a produtora participou da criação do "Profissão Repórter" com o jornalista Caco Barcellos (Rede Globo); da realização da série "Garagem do Rap"; e da produção e direção do recém-lançado (e premiado) documentário "Triunfo".
"Programa Diferente" será exibido aos domingos, às 21h30, na TV Aberta / Canal Comunitário (Canal 9 da Net, 186 da Vivo e 8 da Vivo Fibra).Na internet, estará disponível online na

Ser, Pensar, Agir... Diferente!
 Que não é parecido, distinto, divergente, diverso, heterogêneo,
sortido, variado, especial, incomum, raro, sui generis.

Estréia do Programa Diferente

Entrevista (Vereador Andrea Matarazzo)
Matéria Diferente (Cal, Jardim Nélia - Obra do Córrego)
Faz Diferente (Miro Leitão, Itaquera - Segurança)
Debate (Parques x Especulação Imobiliária)
Rede Diferente (convite para participação do telespectador)

Sex from the screen. Revelations of a former webcam style

Sex from the screen. Revelations of a former webcam style

monologue of a former webcam model
"Put something in yourself or send a kiss. " Pavel Nikulin recorded a monologue with the former webcam model via St . Petersburg. She says why one cannot speak Russian at work, how to masturbate without dropping chairs, and whether models are afraid to get on porn sites.

"They wrote that you just would fall into slavery"
As a way to make money webcams, I have not considered to get myself. It was strange to undress for someone. This is not a tale about me at all, because in my understanding it was adult porn. Plus, I was married in that case and even deleted all my nudes. But then we parted with my hubby, and when I moved to Petersburg, I realized that I had not any work, no money, and everything was very bad.

Then I met boys in the tinder, and this individual: “ You know, I’ meters working as an supervisor here in the studio, do you want to try yourself?.. ” Hence yes, Tinder is a social media where people are looking for function. I giggled and mentioned that probably not.

Nonetheless at some point I seriously pondered it. I began to seek out stories: after all, someone was telling something about this. It turned out that there is very little information, but what is there is the story that scary uncles and aunts in the studio will blackmail you with your naked photographs, your videos, if you want to give up.

Once within a telegram channel about making love and free relationships, a lady suddenly posted a funnel leading on behalf of the web cam model. I go in, and she writes that the lady made a chat for webcam models.

What webcam models are talking about
They can be discussing there who draws in someone, watching each other's shows. This one ordered a specific light for herself, the lady ordered a wig for herself, something else appeared right now there. Which camera is better. What toys to buy, the least arsenal for beginners and that you do not need to buy everything in a row. Webcam starter have... In short, it's a party.

Who and how is usually making money on porn online video chats in Kyrgyzstan
We discussed a webcam forum in Nizhny Novgorod: studios and designs gathered there from all around Russia. It was a completely wide open event. Give a link to your profile, come. Everyone remembers the free bar. Without one revealed the secrets there.

There is even your own slang. For example , a member is someone who is registered on sites. A token is the currency that jigs to you on these sites. "Earn for a period" is the amount of money you make in two weeks. Because you can withdraw the currency once every two weeks, and, just like, how much you earn, is definitely calculated in this period. A phrase that describes the skills of the model.

The room where the webcam version works Photo: Alexander Lyubomirsky When you are recognized as a model, you may go free swimming. It is advisable to buy good equipment, light, think over the interior, frame, costumes, underwear, toys, wigs. People who work independently have personal pages decorated in the nature of "I want it and i also want it. " They are being bought. These are mostly sex toys.

The most popular model is lovense (lovense. - Note TD). This is many of these a vibrator that can be controlled remotely. When you donate a certain amount of time - a certain vibration. Models who about what city include their art and are fooled by that they like it and how it becomes them on. Plus, several do it this way: they give control over this lovance for two a few minutes - for a certain amount you yourself control what and when it will vibrate and with what force. With them, revenue are higher.

Many say: “ I work at home, do what I get high, instead of running intended for eight hours as a waitress, constantly on my feet and doing work for someone. And so all the cash flow to me, also in dollars. ” Again, in the small towns, a hundred bucks is totally different money. In a chat room, webcams were very happy if the dollar began to grow. These people were not interested in politics, they simply rejoiced that the currency was growing.

"Black sofa, as in porn videos"
In short, I came to a studio in St . Petersburg. Studios are apartments. My studio was removed from the center. Nice large two-bedroom apartment in a brand-new building, with a balcony. Two baths, shower, toilets. One room is one work environment. The rooms are all different: somewhere there are armchairs, somewhere a sofa, somewhere a foundation. In studios that have been benefits for a long time, there are huge rooms, as in photo studios. A whole lot of props for everyone, record, lighting.

In virtually all studios, conditions are thirty five to fifty. That is, through the earned fifty percent to you, fifty percent to them. There are times when the aid of translators is needed, then 50 percent of the studio, twenty-five translators and twenty-five to you. Though I know English very poorly, I did not need a translator.

Virtual debauchery as a profitable business
The administrator's task is usually to ensure that the model arrives on time, sits for a certain number of hours, is not late, but not only. The admin also watches broadcasts, aids in the elaboration of the picture, with photo shoots, can help fill out the profile on the site.

In the apartment where I was at the interview, there was a black lounger, as in porn videos. They told me how this market works, showed the site. They said: “ You will work on it, it is not necessary to undress, nothing. Only when they call you in private, you already consent there. We give this site to any or all newcomers so that they get used to it, know what and how. ”

Any person can come to webcam: appearance is not important, maximum body positive. They can earn everything, because there is an admirer for everyone. More probably consider charisma. In my studio all of the girls were chubby.

Couples come: "We will now have fun, and we will still have to pay money for it. inch But it turns out that banging with each other for money is also job.

Boys also make streams. Guys have the main audience - same sex lovers. Naturally, those boys who are ready to shove something within their asses make better money. Could be they would like the beautiful, great Madame to write and declare how handsome he is, but not.

They also have an enormous problem with imagination. If you look at doubles, women’ s or transvestite shows, they are very interesting, and when you turn on male contacts, there’ s just a wank. I can look at it for free. There is also a pornhub, there are a bunch of other sites. What will I pay for? Therefore they get less.

Undress, masturbate, masturbate, undress
The first day was very dumb and exciting. Wild paranoia. You understand with brains that the ratio of probability is very low, but you are afraid anyway.

The first privat was right away. When you register, they give you a promotional period and put you on the top, like a new model. You have a very cheap pers?nlich, everyone flies. Everything is usually standard: undress, masturbate, masturbate, undress.

Livecam sex as the representation of our era
It was scary that they were sitting there and recording individual. If someone later puts it out, and it will be... Very well, that... There are studios that monitor porn services and stop anyone from posting information, there are those who don't care and attention. For those models who need advertising, this is even at hand. That they themselves create pages over a pornhub. Someone in the cam comes from a pornhub.
The room where the livecam models work Photo: Alexander Lyubomirsky On the first day time I earned forty money in seven hours. They will paid in rubles at the exchange rate. There were days when I did not earn anything. It doesn’ t be based upon how much you work. It just happens.
Everyone thinks: you will build sight, masturbate - and dollars will pour in to you. And don’ t pour a damn, because, in addition to your body, you need to attach more content and charisma. Show business is a good word. You will need to hook something. The top was constantly a large woman, not shaved at all in all areas, as hairy as possible -- and she was well donated there. I in some way even found a couple of pensioners on the air. They were hence funny. So people are signed in to YouTube for someone? Here is the same YouTube, only with nudity.

Very good income per shift - a hundred bucks. When you are in the top pages, when you have a advertising period, you should do it each day, f ** t sew. We need to earn some money, and later then, when this period is now over, work with the audience that remains to be.

In the primary shifts, I felt bizarre, depressed. It’ s as if you owe something to somebody. But then you understand that there is a distance... These people are in the computer, far away.

Once I’ meters sitting in a room, beautiful-elegant, the privat began. I take a seat to masturbate - the chair falls. And I'm with him. Donations weren't given for this, but it was ridiculous. This story occurs everyone. Once again offered to masturbate with a computer mouse. Role distance education infuriated me. It was essential to portray someone: "I have always been your daddy, I have always been your neighbor. " My spouse and i don’ t like that.

When you masturbate in front of the camera, you try to choose a beautiful angle, try to help to make a beautiful picture, follow the expression on your face, all the movements. Alone with yourself you will not accomplish this and you feel completely different. At the time you masturbate on camera - you don’ t consider your pleasure. This is a simulation.

Tend not to speak Russian and do not get late
You can’ t eat in the workplace, be drunk, give you a personal data, bills. The agreement was signed regarding the safety of the equipment, the passport was scanned: it is needed there for signing up on the sites to confirm that you will be 18 years old. Another facilities agreement: vacation, working off for two weeks, if you give up.

Shifts happen to be from 8: 00 to 15: 00, from 15: 00 to 22: 00 and from 22: 00 to eight: 00. A fine of five dollars if you are an hour later part of the. If you work seven several hours - 45 minutes, if 10 hours - an hour. To get exceeding the break, too, a fine.

Prescription drugs are officially banned, they are really firing for this, but nobody will see that you are there in the bathroom — sniffing or not really sniffing. All power engineers fiercely. Ten hours night time shifts... It's tiring after just four hours of.

Somehow I actually fell asleep on a evening shift, but no one lit up up: I put my legs on the table and bent back so that they did not observe me, only calves and feet. I woke up mainly because I heard a sound from the coming donations. Obviously, a foot fetishist traveled to the canal.

You still cannot use the Russian language: it is forbidden to post any Russian words in Cyrillic or even Latin text letters. There was an interesting story - about a girl from a small regional town in Russia who worked at a livecam studio. They found her in the dvach and started to severely poison. They got into contact with her parents on the street, stated: “ Do you know what your daughter is doing? ” This is all of the bad.

If in Moscow and Petersburg there are a lot of people and scarcely anyone will come up to you and say: “ Oh, I could see you somewhere”, then inside the province this is worse. We had a girl who worked in a few kind of military structure. She sat on a not-so-profitable webpage, because it was unrealistic to burn there. But through VPN they can see, of course.

They do not want to pay for anything. On a few sites, the system is such that some models write a certain amount before the broadcast. It is named goal. When this sum is gained, they plan a show. You can wait and get it for free. So , Russians are a patient people.

“ You travelled in - and the style is glad for you”
A member whom watches streams, ties a card, money is debited from him. On some sites, you even know whether a person has a card linked or not, how much he spent money for a certain period. It is clear who have to pay attention to and who not, because there are many freeloaders. Money is debited during exclusive. If they run out, the show will stop.

There were Finns, they authored to me in Finnish, I once taught Finnish. The longest private, by the way, was with the Finnish dude. Still constantly wrote people via Turkey and Arab countries. They start to push: "You are so beautiful, let me buy you a ticket, you can expect to come to me. " And you read and think: "Yes, yes, yes... "

The room where the livecam model worksPhoto: Alexander LyubomirskyThe average visitor to the site is a dude from 30 years who earns. He sees that he has an offline intimate relationships. People who take private have got little free time. When you are continuously at work, you have no opportunity to get to know each other. Someone keeps in the office longer to masturbate alone.

Why don't they pay prostitutes? Individuals will not give such communication. Lovers? You need to get acquainted, spend time. And then you proceeded to go in - and the version is glad of you.

Why are they nonetheless watching? Because of the interactivity. You donate so much, I do this. That is, not just jerking off, but shoving something into yourself or blowing a kiss. I showed my own tattoos, talked about them.

Without good colleges and relatives
I had two jobs, I chose which one would go and what kind would not. Agreed so that the shifts did not coincide. In the morning within the webcam from 8: 00 to 15: 00, then are a waitress. And I opted for another job: there was a campaign, I became the manager of a restaurant. I told all my friends about the experience in the webcam. Everyone had an absolutely adequate reaction. In theory, it is possible that someone might recognize me from cafe customers, foreigners, but it is unlikely that I worked very little.

The main deception is that you are right away promised some huge amounts, earnings of up to one hundred thousand a month, but it turned out that this needs very large investments, and not only money. You need to give yourself insanely much. You turn yourself into an item, a brand, make a brand for yourself. This is very similar to a caterers service because you must generally smile. Clear business, should you begin to be rude, then you certainly block. But when a man comes into your room and creates: “ Hi ! How are you? ” You are always fine.

Web model
Photo: Alexander Lubomirsky

They say that girls in sex work happen to be stupid beauties. In fact , all the things is very versatile. We lately discussed here: sculpted an ideal webcam model. I must know foreign languages, be able to flow, know psychology, know all sorts of computer things - in order to set up a beautiful picture, you should sing ** with the technique very well. Plus, the resignation of money is very hemorrhoids, each of our admins did it.

It was psychologically difficult to undress on camera, someone might like it. But due to webcam, I fell in love with my body. You understand your best facets, see yourself, know how to benefit yourself.

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Earnings for models around the Internet

Earnings for models around the Internet

Together with the development of the Internet, the possibilities of producing money have significantly broadened without leaving your computer. One of many ways is to work as a model before a webcam on professional resources. Some people try to assess such activities with prostitution, in part they are right. In this career, everything is really mixed up in intimacy.

The essence of working as a model on the Internet
On the Internet, every hour, hundreds of men are looking for pleasant talks with girls. They are interested in both a simple conversation (very rarely) and communication in erotic topics. Of course , they want to look at a beautiful female overall body and see a light or not very erotic show. And they are offering good money for the service. To do this, the client visits a unique site, passes registration and selects a model for connection.

When a lady receives an application, she will offer the man to go into a personal window where you can calmly chitchat and watch the show. The person who says anything, but the key task of the model is usually to give the client pleasure by simply demonstrating his body, fulfilling his erotic requests. Consequently , such work is designed for everyone.

How to get a model
A large number of resources carry out a careful selection of girls, not providing work to anyone. That is justified, since a irritating and ill-mannered model can scare away a client, thereby spoiling the reputation of the whole organization. In addition , the site is asked for models of scans of documents to exclude children who do not have the right to participate in such activities from entering the resource.

Once registering you will need:

passport reversal;
a photograph showing a photo from passport and the face of the prospect in the model;
some photos for the future account (full-length, in a swimsuit or perhaps underwear, maybe several nude photos).
As well, sometimes you need to create a curriculum vitae in which you need to talk about personal qualities, level of education, and sometimes knowledge of foreign languages. Some companies ask for a Skype interview.

Earnings within the Internet for models by using a webcam - requirements

Recently, some solutions offer girls to go through many tests that confirm professional suitability and ability to keep the client's attention:

psychological test;
test of knowledge of a language (sometimes the whole interview is English);
erudition test.
However , such detailed studies of candidates are still rare, usually limited to the presentation of documents.

Characteristics required for work
There is a stereotype that statements that the successful work in the model on the Internet is confined to a nice-looking appearance. This opinion is true, but do not think that just those girls who happen to be beautiful by nature are able to generate a serious career with amazing earnings. This implies the following -- it is not necessary to have a spectacular natural appearance, you need to be capable of take care of yourself.

The girl who got a job like this should regularly go to beauty salons, massages and magnificence parlors. Particular attention ought to be paid to the condition of the skin through the entire body. Before communicating with a client, some models use a large amount of cosmetics, which not only provides an impressive spectacular facial appearance, nevertheless also makes the skin appear natural. The rule practices from here - you need to figure out how to use cosmetics. There are even distinctive courses to study this “ science”. And even if they cost money, the estimated salary will cover all costs. To ensure that the client to be satisfied, the woman needs to develop in their self:

sense of humor;
the ability to perceive other people's problems and plunge “ into the situation” (yes, several clients use Internet products as psychoanalysts);
cultural speech without ordinario and obscene expressions;
The last point is especially significant, as you have to show your physique, and previous conversations will most likely land on sexual topics.

Work sites
Conventionally, webcam chats can be divided into several groups:
publicly available;
for the CIS countries;
for countries of far in foreign countries;
The first two categories are distinguished by an abundance of "freeloaders" who want to watch the show and have a nice discussion without paying money. However , it is on such resources that it must be easiest to find regular consumers and display members (chat users) in private, which in turn brings the main income.

The remaining categories can also bring good money, but they have got excessive requirements for models both in terms of external data and in personal characteristics. Some of them refuse to register with no explanation. However , working on such resources carries many extra “ bonuses” in the form of consistent practice in the English terminology and the almost complete lack of the possibility that someone from your close friends can enter the chat and discover the model.

fantasticare bojocams Among the most affordable and lucrative webcam chats are:

runetki. com. One of the most popular resources with an extensive audience and constant large online. High competition among models pays off a large number of users with money.
Webcamerajob. com. A slightly fewer popular site, but it attracts truly wealthy people. Its competition is low.
livejasmin. com. Famous web cam chat with a lot of simple settings. It is possible to narrow users both by physical feature and by type.
bongacams. com. Your competition is high, there are many guests. A bunch of filters and adjustments. It is also possible to operate pairs.
modelme. club. Promising newbie.
Which site pertaining to work would not be determined, the structure and amounts of communication with customers are unchanged.

Ways of communication with consumers
Work commences with a free chat when the model communicates with customers on a variety of topics, shows their appearance and makes acquaintances. The goal is to lure users into a group chat or private by showing a mild show. In free function, users can leave the lady “ compliments” - a sort of tip.

Profits on the Internet for types through a webcam - group

Group chat involves a full-fledged present for several members, each which begins to generate income. Moreover, a large number of webcams chats allow customers to enter the group bedroom after the start of the session, which usually significantly increases the profit unit. Some girls say that group chats are the most lucrative mode.

Privat - a mode when the model remains face to face with the member who paid for interaction. The girl’ s job is to realize all the client’ s desires, to look into his problems and show him the best erotic show he has ever seen. Do not be afraid of crowds of perverts, there are strict filters in chats, in addition , each unit has the right to refuse in order to a client, although this influences its rating in the system.

How much could you earn?
Here is the main question that concerned you throughout the article. The good thing is that you can earn a lot. If you use webcams chats as a side job, giving them a couple of hours a day, then the earnings will be from buck 100 to $ 200. This can be a decent amount, given that you will not have to spend a lot of effort and time.

Earnings on the Internet for models through a webcam - review

Over time, many models acquire a regular clientele and commit more and more time to work. This contributes to the development of a dizzying career and revenue expansion. With a working day of 7-10 hours, earnings can reach $ 10, 000 monthly or more. Services, for their part, often pamper girls with bonuses and bonuses, reaching 10% of earnings. The regular income of the models, corresponding to them, is comparable to $ 1, 500 each month.

Thus, working in webcam chats is able to completely change lives and bring gigantic income, which you can only dream of.